| // Include the ESP8266 WiFi library. (Works a lot like the |
| // Arduino WiFi library.) |
| #include <ESP8266WiFi.h> |
| // Include the SparkFun Phant library. |
| #include <Phant.h> |
| |
| ////////////////////// |
| // WiFi Definitions // |
| ////////////////////// |
| const char WiFiSSID[] = "WiFi_Network"; |
| const char WiFiPSK[] = "WiFi_Password"; |
| |
| ///////////////////// |
| // Pin Definitions // |
| ///////////////////// |
| const int LED_PIN = 5; // Thing's onboard, green LED |
| const int ANALOG_PIN = A0; // The only analog pin on the Thing |
| const int DIGITAL_PIN = 12; // Digital pin to be read |
| |
| //////////////// |
| // Phant Keys // |
| //////////////// |
| const char PhantHost[] = "data.sparkfun.com"; |
| const char PublicKey[] = "wpvZ9pE1qbFJAjaGd3bn"; |
| const char PrivateKey[] = "wzeB1z0xWNt1YJX27xdg"; |
| |
| ///////////////// |
| // Post Timing // |
| ///////////////// |
| const unsigned long postRate = 30000; |
| unsigned long lastPost = 0; |
| |
| void setup() |
| { |
| initHardware(); |
| connectWiFi(); |
| digitalWrite(LED_PIN, HIGH); |
| } |
| |
| void loop() |
| { |
| if (lastPost + postRate <= millis()) |
| { |
| if (postToPhant()) |
| lastPost = millis(); |
| else |
| delay(100); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| void connectWiFi() |
| { |
| byte ledStatus = LOW; |
| |
| // Set WiFi mode to station (as opposed to AP or AP_STA) |
| WiFi.mode(WIFI_STA); |
| |
| // WiFI.begin([ssid], [passkey]) initiates a WiFI connection |
| // to the stated [ssid], using the [passkey] as a WPA, WPA2, |
| // or WEP passphrase. |
| WiFi.begin(WiFiSSID, WiFiPSK); |
| |
| // Use the WiFi.status() function to check if the ESP8266 |
| // is connected to a WiFi network. |
| while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) |
| { |
| // Blink the LED |
| digitalWrite(LED_PIN, ledStatus); // Write LED high/low |
| ledStatus = (ledStatus == HIGH) ? LOW : HIGH; |
| |
| // Delays allow the ESP8266 to perform critical tasks |
| // defined outside of the sketch. These tasks include |
| // setting up, and maintaining, a WiFi connection. |
| delay(100); |
| // Potentially infinite loops are generally dangerous. |
| // Add delays -- allowing the processor to perform other |
| // tasks -- wherever possible. |
| } |
| } |
| |
| void initHardware() |
| { |
| Serial.begin(9600); |
| pinMode(LED_PIN, OUTPUT); |
| digitalWrite(LED_PIN, LOW); |
| // Don't need to set ANALOG_PIN as input, |
| // that's all it can be. |
| } |
| |
| int postToPhant() |
| { |
| // LED turns on when we enter, it'll go off when we |
| // successfully post. |
| digitalWrite(LED_PIN, HIGH); |
| |
| // Declare an object from the Phant library - phant |
| Phant phant(PhantHost, PublicKey, PrivateKey); |
| |
| // Do a little work to get a unique-ish name. Append the |
| // last two bytes of the MAC (HEX'd) to "Thing-": |
| uint8_t mac[WL_MAC_ADDR_LENGTH]; |
| WiFi.macAddress(mac); |
| String macID = String(mac[WL_MAC_ADDR_LENGTH - 2], HEX) + |
| String(mac[WL_MAC_ADDR_LENGTH - 1], HEX); |
| macID.toUpperCase(); |
| String postedID = "Thing-" + macID; |
| |
| // Add the four field/value pairs defined by our stream: |
| phant.add("id", postedID); |
| phant.add("analog", analogRead(ANALOG_PIN)); |
| phant.add("digital", digitalRead(DIGITAL_PIN)); |
| phant.add("time", millis()); |
| |
| // Now connect to data.sparkfun.com, and post our data: |
| WiFiClient client; |
| const int httpPort = 80; |
| if (!client.connect(PhantHost, httpPort)) |
| { |
| // If we fail to connect, return 0. |
| return 0; |
| } |
| // If we successfully connected, print our Phant post: |
| client.print(phant.post()); |
| |
| // Read all the lines of the reply from server and print them to Serial |
| while(client.available()){ |
| String line = client.readStringUntil('\r'); |
| //Serial.print(line); // Trying to avoid using serial |
| } |
| |
| // Before we exit, turn the LED off. |
| digitalWrite(LED_PIN, LOW); |
| |
| return 1; // Return success |
| } |
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